
A New Approach to Fraud Awareness Training

Training that is mandatory or heavily rules based can often be seen as dry and uninspiring. In an effort to lighten things up and focus on the wider picture we have teamed up with Elgood Effective Learning to bring you a new approach to face to face fraud awareness training which we can deliver to your organisation:- ‘The Ethics Challenge: Fraud Addition’.

This approach uses management simulations to raise awareness of the reasons why fraud occurs, the impact on the business and how to reduce the risk. The simulation uses board papers to generate debate around issues such as bribery, misreporting, executive pay, modern slavery and false accounting. Each board paper allows for a selection of actions all of which have business consequences. Find out more about this simulation and view an example discussion paper about the misreporting of Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s).

We are passionate about helping organisations to be more successful. We define success as longevity – an organisation that will be around for years to come.

This success is built on many factors, clearly financial results but also the organisations reputation and its ability to protect and maintain that reputation.

One factor that impacts an organisations reputation is financial crime. When three former directors of Tesco were charged with fraud and false accounting in relation to its £263m profit overstatement the Tesco brand suffered. According to YouGov BrandIndex, the main measure of consumer perceptions, the index sunk to 9.3 from 14.8 in the week after the accounting error was made public, and fell to an extreme low of 2.8 over the following months.

The outcome most often associated with fraud is the financial one but there are many other knock-on effects.

Find out more about our partners Elgood Effective Learning

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